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Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD NORDiC JULY 2022 {Gen2} Torrent Baixar

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Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD NORDiC JULY 2022 {Gen2} Torrent Baixar

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Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3 em 1 OEM ESD NORDIC JULHO DE 2022

Versão 21H2 Construção

Não é necessário TPM ou inicialização segura

* Arquivo:

* Tamanho: 4,61 GB

* Formato: ISO inicializável

*CRC32: ef2d005b

*MD5: 8afe81bb87e1fd5539828d41bb4ba2eb

*SHA-1: f22dee236e0d4be2fa2e751447ac8c3e6fb59c97

Integrado / Pré-instalado:

* Pilha de Serviços:


* Atualizações cumulativas:


* NET Framework

* Atualizações cumulativas para

* NET Framework e:






* Windows 11 Pro – STD

* Windows 11 Pro – DLA

* Windows 11 Pro – OEM

* STD = Instalação Padrão – Para quem possui sua própria Chave de Licença

* DLA = Ativação de licença digital (HWID)

* OEM – Será ativado automaticamente se instalado

* mesma versão no equipamento original

* Pronto para UEFI

* (Use a ferramenta Rufus USB anexada para tornar UEFI inicializável)

* Kit de ferramentas de diagnóstico recuperação (somente)

* compactado no formato de recuperação ()

* Crie um USB inicializável (altamente recomendado) com Rufus,

* (montar) ou gravar em DVD-DL em velocidade lenta.

* Windows_Addict, escritor de scripts de ativação do Windows

* Espero que gostem deste lançamento!


* Geração 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro VL 3em1 AML-25 DE ABRIL DE 2022

Versão 21H2 Construção

Não é necessário TPM ou inicialização segura

* Esta versão contém um ISO 24 arquivos svf executáveis.

* Todos os arquivos exe são criados a partir da versão original do MSDN.

* Bloqueie todos os recursos anexados em um .txt separado

* Isso é feito com SmartVersion, um programa que calcula

* diferença entre dois arquivos (um dos quais é usado como fonte)

* e, em seguida, crie um arquivo svf com base nessa diferença.

* Baixe SOURCE ISO selecione idioma

* Se você quiser en-US, faça download do SOURCE ISO.

* Execute arquivo exe na mesma pasta do SOURCE ISO.

* Isso irá RECRIAR ISO ORIGINAL no idioma selecionado.

Integrado / Pré-instalado:

* Pilha de Serviços:


* Atualizações cumulativas:


* NET Framework

* Atualizações cumulativas para

* NET Framework e:

* KB5012159

* Windows 11 Pro – STD

* Windows 11 Pro – DLA

* Windows 11 Pro – OEM

* STD = Instalação Padrão – Para quem possui sua própria Chave de Licença

* DLA = Ativação de licença digital (HWID)

* OEM – Será ativado automaticamente se instalado

* mesma versão no equipamento original















* Itália






* Eslovênia




* Ucrânia

* Pronto para UEFI

* (Use a ferramenta Rufus USB anexada para tornar UEFI inicializável)

* Kit de ferramentas de diagnóstico recuperação (somente)














* Crie um USB inicializável (altamente recomendado) com Rufus,

* (montar) ou gravar em DVD-DL em velocidade lenta.

* Windows_Addict, escritor de scripts de ativação do Windows

* Espero que gostem deste lançamento!


* Geração 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD NORDiC JULY 2022 {Gen2}


Windows 11 Pro MPB ChaOS 22H2 Build 22621.1413 (x64) En PreActivated ]

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Windows 11 Pro MPB ChaOS 22H2 Build 22621.1413 (x64) En PreActivated ]

SCARICARE Clean torrent


Cracking dell’app nativa direttamente dal pool di scene.

Progetto Team-FTU!

LiteOS| Molto veloce | Bypassato da TPM | Precedentemente consentito | 64 bit | aprile 2023

Windows 11 Pro MPB ChaOS 22H2 Build (x64) Pre-abilitato En-US

Questo è ChaOS MPB, una nuova versione di Windows 11 Pro che ha un bell’aspetto funziona bene, aggiungendo 20 sfondi HD.

Questa build è progettata per computer legacy macchine virtuali. Veloce stabile, almeno 2 GB di RAM.


– Browser Edge Chromium

– Vista web sul bordo

– Internet Explorer

– Prima animazione di accesso

– esploratore di giochi

– sfondo della schermata di blocco

– Salvaschermo

– Riconoscimento vocale

– Sfondi

– finestra eme

– Finestra del filtro TIFF IF (OCR).

– Strumento di valutazione del sistema Windows

– File offline

– apri SSH

– Cliente desktop remoto

– Compressione differenziale (DRC)

– Semplice servizio TCP/IP

– Cliente Telnet

– Cliente TFTP

– Servizio portafoglio

– Posta di Windows

– accesso assegnato

– Programma di miglioramento dell’esperienza del cliente (CEIP)

– Riconoscimento facciale

– Debug del kernel

– Servizi di localizzazione

– password dell’immagine

– Supporta l’accesso con codice PIN

– Client di telemetria integrato (Asimov)

– Gestore di rete WiFi (WiFi Sense)

– Segnalazione errori di Windows

– Windows Insider Center

– Connettore multipunto

-Cliente desktop OneDrive

– Assistenza remota

– Server desktop remoto

– Registrazione remota

– Cliente portafoglio

– Blocco del dispositivo (esperienza integrata)

– Cursore di facile accesso

– Temi facilmente accessibili

– Trasferimenti facili

– File di cronologia

– Una lente d’ingrandimento

– Configurazione manuale (aggiornamento in atto)

– Narratore

– file system di proiezione (ProjFS)

– Centro di sicurezza

– Registratore di passi

– ripostiglio

– Ripristino del sistema

– Backup di Windows

– finestra per andare

– Plug-in del broker AAD

– Controllo dei conti

– app di blocco dell’accesso specificata

– Servizio di testo asincrono

– registrazione biologica

– Chiama un’applicazione shell

– Collezionisti di giochi

– Revisione CBSP

– responsabile della consegna dei contenuti

– Finestra di dialogo di autorizzazione dell’host


– Browser Edge classico

– Client degli strumenti per sviluppatori Edge

– Blocco app

– Controllo della mappa

– Avvio rapido del narratore


– Porta captive di rete OOBE

– Flusso di connessione di rete OOBE

– Controllo dei genitori

– persone con esperienza di hosting

– Dialogo di conferma

– dialogo di stampa

– Contenuto demo al dettaglio

– Browser di valutazione sicuro

– Impostazioni di sincronizzazione

-Skype ORTC

– Schermo intelligente

– Esperienza webcam

– Host di visualizzazione Web Win32

– Applicazione Windows Defender

– Finestre di realtà miste

– Windows Reader (PDF)

– Client back-end di Windows Store

– Client di back-end per Xbox Console Companion

– Interfaccia utente chiamabile per giochi Xbox

– uscire dalla finestra di dialogo XGpu

– Sveglia

– Programma di installazione dell’applicazione

– Editor video Clipchamp


– Famiglia

– Centro feedback

– Film TV

– app di gioco (app Xbox)

– Ottenere aiuto

– Plugin codec video Google VP9 WebM

– Plug-in codec fileImaging ad alta efficienza (HEIF)

– Plug-in HEVC (High Efficiency Video Codec).

– Carta geografica

– Il mio ufficio

– Notizia

– Persone

– Collegamento telefonico

– Automazione dell’alimentazione del desktop

– Aiuto rapido

– estensione dell’immagine non elaborata

– Schizzo dello schermo

– Collezione di solitari

– note adesive

– esperienza nel negozio host

– Suggerimenti

– Tutto

– Registratore vocale

– Clima

– Pacchetto Esperienza Web Windows

– Applicazione di posta per Windows

– Applicazione Windows Store

– Componenti aggiuntivi per Xbox GameBar

– Barra di gioco Xbox

– Provider di identità Xbox

– Finestra di dialogo del gioco Xbox

– Interfaccia utente dell’Xbox

-Spooler di stampa

– Cache di montaggio .NET

– Tempo del processo di attivazione dell’agente

– Servizio Router AllJoyn

– Servizio gateway a livello di applicazione

– Virtualizzazione delle applicazioni (App-V)

– Gestore delle autorizzazioni? 32 bit

– Responsabile delle autorizzazioni

– aggiornamento automatico del fuso orario

– Gestore di rotazione automatica

– Autoriproduzione

-Azure Active Directory

-Cliente BranchCache

-Browser broker

– Cache file temporanei

– servizio di cattura

– tempo mobile

– Responsabile del certificato? 32 bit

– Servizio utente Appunti

– Notifiche cloud

– Oggetti dati collaborativi per Windows (CDOSYS)

– COM+ (Servizi componenti) (Console di amministrazione) ? 32 bit

– COM+ (Servizi componenti) (Console di amministrazione)

– Applicazione di sistema COM+

– Gestione informatica? 32 bit

– Approvazione dell’esperienza utente

– Servizio di scambio dati

– Servizi di utilizzo dei dati

– ottimizzazione della consegna

– Moderatore attività desktop (DAM)

– Downloader di immagini desktop

– Configurazione del dispositivo? 32 bit

– Selettore dispositivo

– Gestione delle impostazioni del dispositivo

– Centro di aggiornamento del dispositivo

– Dispositivo attuale? 32 bit

– Collegamento di scelta rapida

– Servizio DirectX WARP JIT

– diagnosi dei guasti del disco

– Gestione del disco? 32 bit

– Costo del disco? 32 bit

– Strumento DiskRAID

– Attiva la visualizzazione

– client di monitoraggio dei collegamenti distribuiti

– Coordinatore delle transazioni distribuite (DTC)

– Pacchetto codec Dolby Atmos

– Riproduci DVD

– modalità integrata

– Crittografare il file system (EFS)? caratteristica distintiva

– Archiviazione migliorata

– Protezione dei dati aziendali (EDP/WIP)

– Traccia eventi di Windows (ETW)

– Visualizzatore di eventi? 32 bit

– Exchange Active Sync (EAS)

– Ospiti un’interfaccia utente per la selezione dei file? 32 bit

– Gestore annulla file? 32 bit

– gestore delle risorse del file server

– floppy disk

– Reindirizzamento delle cartelle

– Anteprima dei caratteri? 32 bit

– Servizio di monitoraggio delle prestazioni grafiche

– API dell’adattatore bus host (HBA).

– Tecnologia di protezione dell’identità (Intel IPT)

– Dispositivo a infrarossi

– Servizio Ingress (CTFMON)? 32 bit

– Codec Intel Indeo

– Servizio di autenticazione Internet (IAS)

– Client di stampa Internet

– Servizio di configurazione della traduzione IP

– Agente criteri IPsec

– Iniziatore iSCSI

– Cliente Kerberos? 32 bit

– Servizio di assistenza al profilo locale

– Editor della politica di sicurezza locale

– Utente locale amministratore di gruppo? 32 bit

-messaggio di posizione

– Malgun gotico audace

– Backup manifesto (WinSxSBackup)

– Fondazione multimediale? 32 bit

– Memoria diagnostica

– Servizio di messaggeria

– Servizio di identità cloud Microsoft

– Componenti Microsoft per l’accesso ai dati (MDAC)

– Sintetizzatore software Microsoft GS Wavetable (MIDI)

– Interfaccia utente Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft JhengHei

– Microsoft JhengHei in grassetto Interfaccia utente di Microsoft JhengHei in grassetto

– Microsoft JhengHei Light Microsoft JhengHei UI Light

-Microsoft Passaporto

– Framework di sincronizzazione Microsoft

– Interfaccia utente Microsoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei

– Carattere grassetto Microsoft YaHei Carattere grassetto Microsoft YaHei UI

-Microsoft YaHei LightMicrosoft YaHei UI Light

-MingLiU-ExtB PMingLiU-ExtB MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB


– gestione dei dispositivi mobili (MDM)

– Autenticazione naturale

– Linguaggio naturale? Classificazione

– Acquisizione di pacchetti NDIS (NDISCAP)

– comunicazione in campo vicino (NFC)

– Reti risorse condivise

– Configurazione automatica dei dispositivi di rete

– Rilevamento della rete

– Proiezione di rete

– Feed telecamera di rete

– Il gestore della sessione ora sta giocando

– Sottosistema NTVDM a 16 bit

– Cliente OneSettings

– Monitoraggio dei pacchetti (PktMon)

– Paga

– Rete di partner

– servizio di penna

– Strumento CMD delle prestazioni per il monitoraggio

-Monitoraggio delle prestazioni

– Servizio telefonico

– Codec foto? 32 bit

– Visualizzatore di foto? 32 bit

– punto di servizio (POS)

– servizio di conteggio dei dispositivi portatili

– Stampa in PDF

– Editor di caratteri personali

– Prossimità

– Servizio di risoluzione dei problemi consigliato

– Servizio di analisi di affidabilità

-Gestore automatico della connessione di accesso remoto

– Gestore della connessione di accesso remoto

– Strumenti client del servizio di accesso remoto

– Servizi Desktop remoto client ActiveX? 32 bit

– Strumento banca Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA).

– Localizzatore di chiamate di procedura remota (RPC).

– Supporto per la gestione dei diritti

– Scanner

– Invia a e-mail desktop

– Client di ripristino avviato dal server

– Servizi (Console di amministrazione) ? 32 bit

– Impilare servizi? 32 bit

– Condividi un host? 32 bit

– Condividi dashboard multimediale

– Condividi esperienza

– Interfaccia utente della cartella condivisa? 32 bit

– Interfaccia utente della cartella condivisa

– Configurazione condivisione modem (mdmgl*.inf)

– Modalità PC condiviso

– Protocollo di gestione della rete semplice (SNMP)

– SimSun NSimSun


– suono surround (suono 3D)

– chiamare l’API

– Qualità del servizio di stoccaggio (Storage QoS)

– Super ricerca

– Guardiano del sistema

– Servizio di testo tabulare

– servizi di contenuti mirati? 32 bit

– Gestore attività? 32 bit

– Utilità di pianificazione (console amministrativa) ? 32 bit

– Agenda? 32 bit

– Previsione del testo

– debugger del viaggio nel tempo (TTD)

– TPM (Trusted Platform Module) (console di amministrazione)? 32 bit

– Supporto per codec sintonizzatori TV

– Piattaforma di notifica universale (UNP)

– Presa Unix (AF_UNIX)

– Accesso ai dati dell’utente

– Registrazione del dispositivo dell’utente

– Virtualizzazione dell’esperienza utente (UE-V)

– Mediorete privata virtuale (VPN).

– Smart card virtuale

– Wi-Fi virtuale

– Istantanee del volume

– Cliente web

– Provider di sincronizzazione Wi-Fi

– Apprendimento automatico di Windows AI

– controllo della finestra

– Windows Connect Now (WCN)

– Strumento di masterizzazione di immagini disco di Windows

– Servizio host del provider di crittografia Windows

– Windows Firewall (console amministrativa) ? 32 bit

– Contenuto della Guida di Windows

– Libreria di comunicazione di Windows Mail

– Strumenti di amministrazione di Windows

– Registratore delle prestazioni di Windows

– Servizio di notifica push di Windows (sistema)

– Ripristino di Windows (WinRE)? download della nuvola

– Gestione remota di Windows (gestione WS)

– Ricerca Windows

– Configurazione automatica via cavo

– Servizio di condivisione di rete WMP? 32 bit

– Crittografia unità BitLocker

– Server frame della telecamera

– supporto del pacchetto di componenti

– Contatti

– Diagnosi risoluzione dei problemi.

– quota disco

– Protocollo di autenticazione estensibile (EAP)

– Monitorare file MiniFilter

– Supporto di file di aiuto (CHM)

– Condivisione connessione Internet (ICS)

– Microsoft Management Console (MMC)? 32 bit

– Computer portatile

– Separatore MPEG-2

– Driver I/O in modalità utente NDIS

– Controller di monitoraggio dell’utilizzo dei dati di rete

– Note sulle prestazioni avvertenze

– Supporto per l’instradamento l’accesso remoto

– Sensori

– Servizio router SMS

– Correttore ortografico

– Servizio di notifica eventi di sistema (SENS)

– Ripristino del sistema per Windows

– Compresse

– Telefono

– Server dispositivo UPnP

– Archiviazione dati utente

– Windows Audit (strumento)

– Acquisizione di immagini di Windows (WIA)

– Ripristino di Windows (WinRE)

– Wi-Fi

– Servizio di condivisione di rete WMP

– Configurazione WWAN automatica


– Disattiva il download l’installazione automatici di applicazioni di terze parti

– Disabilita il download l’installazione automatica dell’app Microsoft Teams

– Disattiva gli aggiornamenti automatici di Windows

– Disabilita l’app Cortana

– Disattiva l’archiviazione riservata Microsoft per Windows Update

– Disattiva il controllo hardware del programma di installazione di Windows 11

– Disabilita Windows Defender

– Disattiva Windows SmartScreen

– Abilita la cancellazione dell’immagine DISM utilizzando un hard reset

– Attiva il codec professionale Fraunhofer MP3

– Abilita il classico menu contestuale di Windows

– Attiva l’account Windows locale

– Attiva il Visualizzatore foto di Windows

– Forza programmi .NET a utilizzare l’ultima versione di .NET Framework

– Nascondi l’icona della chat dalla barra delle applicazioni

– Nascondi l’icona Meet Now sulla barra delle applicazioni

– Nascondi notizie interessi dalla barra delle applicazioni

– Nascondi la barra di ricerca dalla barra delle applicazioni

– Nascondi l’icona della vista attività sulla barra delle applicazioni

– Nascondi l’icona del widget dalla barra delle applicazioni


– Versione del sistema operativo: Windows 11 Professional (22H2)

– Edizione: Caos Pro MPB

– Versione: 22H2

– Architettura: x64

– Lingua: inglese

– Attivazione: questo viene elaborato, usa l’attivatore per ogni evenienza!

– Pubblicato da: @

Cosa c’è di nuovo:

Riavvia Explorer

ISO aggiornate!!

Requisiti di sistema:

-Processore: processore da 1 GHz più veloce.

– RAM: 2 GB (64 bit)

– Spazio libero su disco rigido: 16 GB.

– Scheda grafica: dispositivo grafico DirectX 9 superiore.

Metodo di installazione:

* Crea una USB avviabile con Rufus (altamente raccomandato) ed esegui!

* Masterizza su DVD-DL a bassa velocità.

Immagine dello schermo:

Pagina iniziale:

Crea un USB avviabile ed esegui / le istruzioni sono nella cartella!

!! GRADI!! Controlla sempre il rilascio di FTUApps! Evita falsi!

Il nostro obiettivo è fornire l’app più pulita innocua con screenshot di app collaudate!

Windows 11 Pro MPB ChaOS 22H2 Build 22621.1413 (x64) En PreActivated ]


Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2022.3.11 download torrent

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Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2022.3.11 download torrent

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Desktop Screenshots and Malware Scan:


(oh oh)

—————————–oOOo-(_)-oOOo—— ——– ———–

Windows 11 21H2 16 in 1 fi-US x64 – Comprehensive Edition

For bug reports and questions, visit

================================================== == = ==========================

(#) Override Windows 11 system requirements:

* This works for clean installs and upgrade scenarios.

1. No TPM (Trusted Platform Module) check.

2. No secure boot check.

3. No minimum processor (CPU) check.

4. No minimum 4GB RAM check.

5. No 64GB minimum storage check.

* In the update menu you will see the word “Server” instead of “11”, this is normal, it is part of a trick to skip all system requirements.

* If you don’t have a product key during the upgrade, use the generic product key from the ISODisc “.sources” file.

(#) Windows 11 Updates:

* All Windows 11 21H2 x64 updates included (until March).2022:

1. KB890830 – Windows Malware Removal Tool, Ver

2. KB2267602 – Security updates for Windows Defender Antivirus

3. KB4052623 – Update for Windows Defender Antivirus Platform, Ver

4. KB4559309 – Microsoft Edge (Chromium), Ver

5. KB5007575: Critical dynamic update for .NET Framework for Windows 11, version 21H2.

6. KB5010455 – How to set up dynamic update for Windows 11, version 21H2.

7. KB5010474 – Cumulative Update for .NET Framework and Windows 11, version 21H2.

8. KB5011493 – Cumulative Update for Windows 11, version 21H2 (operating system version).

9. KB5012414: Secure Operating System Dynamic Update for Windows 11, version 21H2.

(#) Windows 11 Runtime Libraries:

* DirectX End User Runtime (June 2010) x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2002 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2003 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2005 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022 x86/x64.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86 (SP6 update KB2911777, KB2992332).

(#) Windows 11 Preconfigured Settings:

* .NET Framework = Installed.

* Automatic installation of OneDrive = Off.

* Collection of diagnostic data = Disabled.

* Show all file extensions = On.

* Show hidden files, folders and drives = On.

* Taskbar items: search, widgets, chat = disabled.

* Bing Web Search in the Start menu = Off.

* File progress dialog = Verbose.

* Windows Theme Color = Storm.

* Windows Theme Accent Color = On.

* Default browser = Firefox.

* Default media player = Media Player Classic.

* Default file archive = 7-zip.

(#) Additional applications:

* MicrosoftOffice 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 (Online Installer).

* 7-Zip x64 (with some presets).

* Mozilla Firefox x64 (with some presets by regulation).

* K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 (with some presets).

* OpenHashTab x86/x64 – System settings.

* Includes 16 editions of Windows 11 x64 (“Enterprise” has the most features):

Windows 11 Home single language

Windows 11 Home

Windows 11 Home N

Windows 11 Pro

Windows 11 Pro N

Windows 11 Pro training

Windows 11 Pro Education N

Windows 11 Pro for workstations

Windows 11 Pro for Workstations N

Windows 11 Education

Windows 11 Education N

Windows 11 Enterprise

Windows 11 Enterprise N

Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session

Windows 11 IoT Enterprise

Windows 10 computer

ABOUT Windows 11 “editions”:

ABOUT Windows 11 “N”:

* All Windows 11 language packs can be downloaded directly through the Windows 11 language settings menu.

* This Windows 11 was never in audit mode and was built with DISM (Deployment Image Services and Management) based on the Windows 11 en-US x64 source.

* All included plugins can be changed or removed in the ISODisc “.sources$OEM$” folder (When you remove the $OEM$ folder, only KB* updates will be integrated, except for updates 1 and 4 ). ).

*Windows 11 activator is not included, but a text file is placed on your desktop with a direct download link to a working activator.

* System requirements (minimum|recommended): 1|2 GigaHertz x64 processor, 2 cores, 4|6 GB RAM, DirectX 12 graphics card, 32|64 GB free hard disk storage.

* How to do a fresh install of Windows 11:

1. Burn the Windows 11 ISO file to a DVD with a Brun program such as CDBurnerXP () or use Rufus () to create a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows 11 ISO file.

2. Back up important files to a separate drive.

3. You can avoid accidentally creating a Windows 11 Online account or encountering an account error (another user) by disconnecting your computer from the Internet before installation.

4. Select “Custom: Install only Windows (advanced)” in the Windows 11 installation menu.

5. Remove all old Windows partitions, then click the install button (be very careful to select the right hard drive).

(#) Changes:

* Added the latest Windows 11 21H2 x64 updates from (February).2022 to (March).2022: KB5010455 (replaces KB5009646) | KB5010474 (replaces KB5009469) | KB5011493 (replaces KB5010386) | KB5012414 (replaces KB5009644).

* Updated security updates for Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) from the x64 version to “” “.

* Updated Windows Malware Removal Tool (KB890830) x64 from “” to “.

* Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x64 updated from “” to “.

* Updated Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 online installer from “” to “.

* Mozilla Firefox x64 updated from “” to “.

* Updated K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 to “” “” format.

* Improved installation of custom settings

Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2022.3.11


Memories 1995 Magnetic DVDRip MaiMai download movie torrent

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Memories 1995 Magnetic DVDRip MaiMai download movie torrent

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————————————————– ——————————

Video information

————————————————– ——————————

: Movie

File: MD5 and SHA-256 HASH

: Best Regards

: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

: Shigeru Chiba, Hisao Egawa, Kayoko Fuji, Nobuaki Fukuda, Ami Hasegawa

: Katsuhiro Ohtomo, Kiji Morimoto, Tensai Okamura

: Katsuhiro Ohtomo, Satoshi Kon

: 1995

: Entertainment | Fantasy | Science Fiction

Released: December 23, 1995 (Japan), February 24, 2004 (DVD)

: 1:54:10 (by actual main features)

: PG-13

Cover(s): Yes

: Japanese

: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese (soft coding)

: 480 p

: DVD retail




RR: 82%

————————————————– ——————————

Encoding/bitrate information

————————————————– ——————————

Format: MPEG-4

File size: 873 MiB

Global Flow Mode: Variable

Total bandwidth: 1069 Kbps

the video

Format: AVC

Format/Information: Advanced Video Codec

Profile format:

Format setting, CABAC: Yes

Format setting, Reframes: 5 frames

Transmission speed: 890 Kbps

Width: 720 pixels

Height: 464 pixels

Display format: 1

Frame Rate Mode: Variable

Frame rate: ips

Minimum frame rate: fps

Maximum frame rate: fps

Writing library: k264 core 130 r2273 b3065e6


Format: AAC

Format/Info: Advanced Audio Codec

Flow mode: variable

Speed: 160 Kbps

Maximum transmission speed: 270 Kbps

Channel(s): 2 channels

Channel Positions: Front: L R

Sampling frequency: KHz

Language: Japanese 7

————————————————– ——————————


MD5: c2022cb4078c6d7463eed2502d3ab305

SHA-256: 3b6db8baea7125eff1196e2f03bc96f999c2efe37e9910095f48ef862780ee36

File size: 915,734,749


————————————————– ——————————


————————————————– ——————————

Please see the following website for detailed information:

The masters of anime join forces to create this stunningan animated film with three different stories: The Magnetic Rose, The Stink Bomb, and Cannonball.

In The Magnetic Rose, two space travelers are drawn into an asteroid world created by a woman’s memories.

In Stink Bomb, a young lab assistant is accidentally transformed into a human bioweapon on his way to Tokyo.

Cannon Fodder depicts a day in the life of a town whose sole purpose is to shoot cannons at the enemy.

Created by the best animation talent in the world: Koji Morimoto (The Animatrik), Tensai Okamuro (Android Kikaider: The Animation), Katsuhiro Tomo (Upcoming Steamboy, Akira), Satoshi Kon (Tokyo Godfathers, Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue).


————————————————– ——————————

This was personally coded by me, Carjacker, from the Retail Edition DVD.

Leave your thoughts/opinions and ratings about this movie’s A/V for others to see. THANK YOU!

Sow while you DL so others can enjoy the movie!

Memories 1995 Magnetic


KMPlayer FastDL Free Download Torrent

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KMPlayer FastDL Free Download Torrent

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A free alternative to Windows Media Player KMPlayer is a popular media player that can play movies, music and more. KMPlayer supports many high definition codecs and services. You can also add external codecs. For non-techies, this means it can decode multiple video formats like 3D, 4K, Ultra High Definition and even extend video player compatibility if needed. You can also enjoy your movies in crystal clear picture quality on DVD and Blu-ray. The flexibility of a video player for different file formats is one of the most important features to look for, and KMPlayer scores highly for this. It supports many file formats including WMV, MKV, OGM, 3GP, FLV and MOV. This program has been used by users worldwide since October 2002. Its website alone receives more than 100,000 hits a day. It seems you are doing something right. Its popularity can also be explained by its high functionality. Most video players for Windows, including the standard Windows video player (Windows Media Player), have limited functionality. Basically, they are just plug-in and play software. If there’s a problem or you want to make subtle changes to your viewing pleasure, there’s probably not much you can do about it. However, KMPlayer offers enormous freedom and seemingly endless ways to customize the video player. Not only does it offer more, but is it the key features of KMPlayer? Listing all the features of KMPlayer would take too much time. However, some examples include adjusting settings related to video playback. With this you can: synchronize audio skip sections repeat sections There is also a wide range of filters you can use when playing videos. Allows you to make changes to 3D and VR settings. You can fully customize the subtitles through its control options. In addition, there is the ability to record audio and video, which allows you to customize the interface in such a way that you do not know it is the same program. There is also an option to use advanced image processing functions to make changes to the video and audio output. For example, you can increase video playback speed or reduce noise levels. Another notable feature is the ability to program the computer to turn off at the end of the video.
One of the most important features of KMPlayer, only briefly mentioned, is its flexibility and high compatibility with many file formats. In layman’s terms, this means you can play more movies. If you’ve ever tried to play a movie, such as a download or DVD, and had to try several video players before you got it to work, you’ll know how important this is. With KMPlayer you can dispel those fears. It is even considered a universal video player. Now you would think that all video players would be universal, but no, not even Windows Media Player can claim that title. KMPlayer can even play damaged or incomplete AVI files or blocked media files when sharing or downloading content.
Are there better alternatives for streaming media There’s something to be said for KMPlayer, but it’s not all easy. First, its wide functionality is a double-edged sword. You can do anything with KMPlayer, but only ifdo you know how to do everything! That turns a lot of people off. Can you learn how to do that? Here’s where another bombshell should drop: KMPlayer doesn’t have a manual written in English. The only way to find out is to ask someone who knows, which will take time.
Another problem is KMPlayers ads. When you finish installing the program, an advertisement appears. It’s not a big deal in itself, but inside the program it constantly shows ads. You may even see the ads while you play a movie unless you play it full screen. 5KPlayer is another free video player that displays ads in the same way, so you’re not alone here. Despite its name, it can support up to 8K resolutions, 360-degree video and YouTube streaming. GOM Player offers a similar service, but instead of ads, it includes premium software when downloading, and you should be careful to uncheck it.
For the average user, these are very similar programs. All of them have been slightly modified to appeal to one or more categories of people. If you consider yourself a video player power user, it’s a toss up between KMPlayer, 5KPlayer and PotPlayer. If you consider yourself an average user who doesn’t care much about adjusting settings and just wants to watch your movie in peace, go for VLC Media Player. It plays almost all types of video files and although there are advanced settings, they are hidden so that you don’t accidentally change something, and if you don’t mind, there is a manual in English!
A functional but very complex program, KMPlayer has excellent functionality and as a general video player it can play almost any movie you want. While it’s certainly an improvement over Windows Media Player, it may not be the best option for everyone. Many of its functions are not intuitive and therefore may be quite inaccessible to many users. Also, there is no English manual to refer to and its advertisements can annoy many people.
KMPlayer can be an ideal solution for an advanced user who wants freedom and control over their video player software. That doesn’t mean it’s the best option for power users, and 5KPlayer or Pot Player are also free and worth considering. Pot Player is one of the lightest and fastest loading video players and has an extensive library of features. For everyone else, keep it simple (and free) without sacrificing quality, like using VLC Media Player.
What’s new? There have been some minor updates recently including the addition of video download sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Daily Motion. Many users are very excited about the prospect of the next big release of KMPlayers, including the cloud technology used to sync files with media libraries in multiple locations.



Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2022.3.11 Torrent Download

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Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2022.3.11 Torrent Download

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Desktop screenshots and malware scans:



—————————–oOOo-(_)-oOOo————- – —————-

Windows 11 21H2 16u1 en-US x64 – Key Edition

For bug reports and questions visit

================================================= === == ======= = =========================

(#) Bypasses Windows 11 system requirements:

* This works for clean install and upgrade mode.

1. No TPM (Trusted System Module) check.

2. No security check on boot.

3. No minimum CPU check.

4. No check for minimum 4GB RAM.

5. No minimum 64 GB storage check.

* In the upgrade list you will see the word “Server” instead of “11”, this is normal, this is a trick to bypass all system requirements.

* If you don’t have a product key when you update, use the generic product key from the ISODisc “.sources” file.

(#) Updates for Windows 11:

* All updates for Windows 11 21H2 x64 are included until (March) 2022:

1. KB890830 – Windows Malware Removal Tool Ver

2. KB2267602 – Security Update for Windows Defender Antivirus, Ver

3. KB4052623 – Update for Windows Defender Antivirus anti-malware platform, v

4. KB4559309 – Microsoft Edge (Chromium), ver

5. KB5007575 – NET Framework Dynamic Critical Update for Windows 11, version 21H2.

6. KB5010455 – Install Power Update for Windows 11, version 21H2.

7. KB5010474 – Cumulative Update for .NET Framework and Windows 11, version 21H2.

8. KB5011493 – Cumulative Update for Windows 11, Version 21H2 (OS Build).

9. KB5012414 – Security update for Windows 11, version 21H2.

(#) Windows 11 runtime libraries:

* DirectX End-User Runtime (June 2010) x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2002 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2003 x86.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2005 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 SP1 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022 x86/x64.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86.

* Visual Core x86 Runtime (SP6 update KB2911777, KB2992332).

(#) Windows default settings11:

* .NET Framework = installed.

* Automatically install OneDrive = off.

* Diagnostic data collection = Disabled.

* Show all file extensions = Enable.

* Show hidden files, folders and drives = Enable.

* Taskbar items: Search, Widgets, Chat = Disable.

* Bing Web Search in Start Menu = Disabled.

* File progress dialog = Verbatim.

* Windows Theme Color = Storm.

* Windows Theme Accent Color = On.

* Default browser = Firefox.

* Default Media Player = Standard Media Player.

* Default file folder = 7-Zip.

(#) Additional requirements:

* Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 (Network Installer).

* 7-Zip x64 (with several preconfigured settings).

* Mozilla Firefox x64 (with several settings configured earlier).

* K-Lite CodecPack Full x86/x64 (with several pre-configured settings).

* OpenHashTab x86/x64 – System Setup.

* Includes 16 editions of Windows 11 x64 (“Business” has more features):

Windows 11 Home Language One

Windows 11 Home

Windows 11 Home N

Windows 11 Pro

Windows 11 Pro N

Windows 11 Pro Education

Windows 11 Pro Education N

Windows 11 Pro for workstations

Windows 11 Pro for Workstations N

Windows 11 Education

Windows 11 Education N

Windows 11 Business

Windows 11 Enterprise N

Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session

Windows 11 IoT Enterprise

The Windows 10 team

INFORMATION about Windows 11 “Versions”:

INFO for Windows 11 “N”:

* All Windows 11 language packs can be downloaded directly from the Windows 11 language settings menu.

* This Windows 11 has never been in AuditMode and was built using the DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) tool based on the Windows 11 en-US x64 source.

* All included plugins can be modified or removed from ISODisc “.sources$OEM$” folder (when deleting $OEM$ folder, only KB* updates are integrated, except updates #1 and #4. )

* Windows 11 activator is not included, but a copy file is placed on the desktop with a direct download link for a working activator.

* System requirements (minimum|recommended): 1|2 GigaHertzx64 processor with 2 cores, 4|6 GigaBytes RAM, DirectX 12 graphics card, 32|64 GigaBytes free hard disk storage.

* How to perform a fresh installation of Windows 11:

1. Burn the Windows 11 ISO file to a DVD using Brun software such as CDBurnerXP () or use Rufus () to create a bootable USB drive with the Windows 11 ISO file.

2. Back up important files to a separate disk.

3. To avoid accidentally creating a Windows 11 Online account or getting the Account (other user) error, disconnect your computer from the Internet before installing.

4. In the Windows 11 setup menu, select “Optional: Install Windows only (advanced)”.

5. Delete all old Windows partitions and click Install (Be very careful to select the correct hard drive).

(#) Changes:

* Added the latest updates for Windows 11 21H2 x64 from (February).2022 to (March).2022: KB5010455 (replaces KB5009646) | KB5010474 (replaces KB5009469) | KB5011493 (replaces KB5010386) | KB5012414 (replaces KB5009644).

* Updated security data updates for Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) x64 from “” to “”.

* Windows Malware Removal Tool (KB890830) x64 updated from “” to “”.

* Updated Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x64 from “” to “”.

* Online installer for Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 from “” to “”.

* Updated Mozilla Firefox x64 from “” to “”.

* K-Lite Codec Pack fully updated x86/x64 “” to “”.

* Improvements in installing custom settings

Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2022.3.11


Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2 b22621.382 (No TPM) Preactivated download

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Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2 b22621.382 (No TPM) Preactivated download

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Windows 11 Enterprise overview

Windows 11. The main part of the announcement was the unveiling of a significant user interface change, codenamed Sun Valley. As you know, most of the UX changes will be borrowed from the Windows 10X shell and Windows 10X itself will not ship. Now, unsurprisingly, information about Windows 11 has started to leak.

Key features of Windows 11 Enterprise

Windows 11 will have a completely new design. Microsoft clearly needed a good reason to reverse its previous announcements and still stick with Windows 10 with the introduction of a new operating system number. And the new design is great for that. The Redmond giant has long been preparing a redesign for updates codenamed Sun Valley (Sun Valley), apparently, under this name is Windows 11. The Sun Valley project has appeared on the network for a long time. Microsoft regularly reveals details of the new interface style, experts share previously unknown information, and popular designers in their circle draw realistic concepts based on all this data.

Run it and the system elements will hang above the bottom panel. Start is the calling card and face of all the latest versions of Windows. As expected, in Windows 11, the developers will change it again, but not very functionally, since visually the Start window will hang above the bottom bar. It is true that this small change makes the system look fresher. Judging by the information on the web, Microsoft is not going to radically change this section of the menu, the news will only affect the design of the window itself. The control panel will also be floating and will have exactly the same layout as Start. The Action Center will be merged with similar generic control buttons that have been used for a long time on other operating systems. Almost any mention of this new menu suggests that it will be an island, with control buttons on a separate panel, notifications on another, and certain items (for example, players) on a separate panel.

Right angles will disappear, they will be replaced

per steak. In fact, insiders and concept designers do not agree with this, some are sure that Microsoft will not change its traditions and keep the correct point of view, while others are sure that in 2021 Microsoft will go to a rounded mode. . The latter is more in line with the definition of a brand new Windows, just that the floating menu isn’t enough for the new design to be considered brand new. The files are expected to affect almost everything on the system, from context menus and system bars to all application windows. True, even on this issue, the opinions of concept designers differ, some round the images on all possible interface elements, others combine them at right angles.

Everywhere there will be a transparent background with blur. There is controversy on the internet about island window display styles, angular layouts, and menu levitation effects,but almost everyone agrees with the transparency of the windows. Most layout leaks and renders show transparency and opacity in all windows, at least in the start menu or in File Explorer. Moreover, this effect was even in the assembly of the canceled operating system Windows 10X, which Microsoft developed for dual-screen devices and weak devices in parallel with the Sun Valley project. The so-called acrylic transparency implies the use of new effects when hovering over the elements, in addition to increasing the distance between the elements, the interface area with which the user interacts will inevitably become larger, and the page titles will be bigger. be bold.

The new source is displayed. Windows 11 will most likely use the Segoe UI variable responsive font by default, which arrived in Windows 10 Build 21376 for Insiders. The advantage is that it is suitable for both small and large textinscriptions. This sets it apart from standard fonts, which were originally created for small or large sizes. For example, the current stable version of Windows 10 uses the 9-point Segoe UI font. On smaller inscriptions, the writing becomes illegible and on large inscriptions, it becomes inexpressive.

Windows 11 will have a new icon, while the Windows 95 icon will disappear. Yes, they are still in use today. Over time, Microsoft will change the icons used throughout the system. It’s not just folder shortcuts, trash cans, and other icons found in Explorer. We are talking about all the icons available in the shell32 directory. There are still icons from the Windows 95 era, and recently Microsoft updated their design in one of the internal builds, of course they will migrate to Windows 11.

Windows 11 will have functional novelties, many of them, but they are all small. Much less is known about the features of the next update than about its design. But since Windows 11 and Windows 10X (a canceled operating system for flimsy, foldable devices whose images were leaked online) were developed in parallel, it’s safe to assume that all of the latter’s functionality will appear in Windows 11. For example, Windows 11 will indicate when the camera is used by the computer, the corresponding indicator will be displayed in the system tray.

Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2 b22621.382 (No TPM) Preactivated


UC Browser torrent download

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UC Browser torrent download

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Lightweight and free browser. UC Browser is a web browser designed for low-end computers and slow connections. It includes a dedicated download manager, cloud sync, theme customization, add-ons, and more. To create a unique browsing experience, photos and links are loaded before you click and make browsing easier. This program can run on a variety of devices, but is designed for slow computers. If this version requires too much resources from your system, you can also install UC Mini. It comes from the same company, but reduces the required hardware limit as low as possible. UC Browser is similar to Google Chrome. It can use all the same plugins and themes and offers the same advanced settings. However, compared to Chrome, it uses much less system resources. While it doesn’t offer a built-in VPN or ad blocker, it’s still a great option for an average internet experience. However, this app has issues with streaming content and buffering large videos. So while you get faster loading speeds on regular websites, you’re bound to suffer for data-heavy websites like YouTube or Dailymotion.
The installation process is quick and easy, just like the program. You can run UC Browser APK for Android devices or download the .exe file for Windows PCs.
Additional Tools This program lacks a few essentials, but it has a few tricks up its sleeve. It comes with a unique download manager. This tool allows you to pause and resume downloads as needed. If you need to save bandwidth for other priority applications, just wait for the download and try again later. If you’ve used Chrome, you know that this feature is a bit clunky in that browser and you can’t always pick up where you left off.
When you download UC Browser, it comes with a smart file manager. With thisextension you can copy, delete, move, rename, delete and share information on your phone or computer. It is characterized by its speed and ease of use, requiring few resources.
The tab management system is probably the best part of this program. It is configured to allow multiple open tabs without affecting the speed and responsiveness of your device. This feature also prevents crashes and freezes. It works by loading information about each tab when you open them individually
Tabs that are not in use but have audio or video playing will continue to work properly in the background. However, doing so can overload your computer or phone as you continue to consume these resources.
High Customizability Most modern web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox have a tile-style bookmarks page. This appears when you open a new tab. Here you can configure which websites are displayed as quick links, which can be replaced with new ones with one click on an open tab
There are also many browser themes to choose from and apply. They change the overall appearance of the program, from the window itself to the colors used for links and menu options. You can also choose different wallpapers or import your own wallpapers.
Users will find a library of mini-games to play while using the browser. These include Monster Squad and Trollface Quest 4, which can help pass the time when you’re having connection issues while surfing.
Cloud Sync Whether you’re using the PC version of UC Browser or the Android version, all your information is stored across all platforms. This includes bookmarks, search results and login information. However, this information may be at risk due to certain issues withbrowser security as mentioned later.
Other browsers such as Opera have similar functionality. However, this program is one of the best programs when it comes to keeping your data updated on all devices. All you have to do is create a UC account and you’re good to go.
Security and Privacy Online privacy and security is a hot topic. Unfortunately, there are many doubts about the safety of this application. Some big names in the industry claim that user data is at risk every time it is used. This raises a lot of surveillance and data concerns and many believe that UC Browser is not secure. In fact, this program was banned by the Play Store before it made improvements to protect its users.
Not dangerous in the traditional sense. No malicious code designed to destroy or damage devices has been reported. However, many have found that it consumes a suspicious amount of battery and sends activities to an external server even after uninstalling.
It’s also obvious to track your movements online. It records your activities and sends them to an external server. This includes videos you watch, images you like, search terms, certain personal information, and more. However, this is no longer a strange phenomenon. This problem exists in most applications.

High functionality and questionable security
If you’re willing to put some of your data at risk, this is a fantastic browser. It’s fast, efficient, and great for anyone who’s a little behind in the tech department. Old phones, computers and slow internet speed are no problem with UC Browser.
In the latest version, there are recommendations for popular websites in the toggle tab window. There is also an easier way to access UC Browser’s News Feed after reading push articles. They also revised the notification system.

UC Browser


Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD NORDiC JULY 2022 {Gen2} Download

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Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD NORDiC JULY 2022 {Gen2} Download

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Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD NORDiC JULY 2022

Version 21H2

No TPM or secure boot required


* Size: 4.61 GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32:ef2d005b

* MD5: 8afe81bb87e1fd5539828d41bb4ba2eb

* SHA-1: f22dee236e0d4be2fa2e751447ac8c3e6fb59c97

Integrated / pre-installed:

* Maintenance Stack:


* Cumulative Update:


*.NET Framework

* Cumulative updates

* .NET Framework and:






* Windows 11 Professional – STD

* Windows 11 Professional – DLA

* Windows 11 Professional – OEM

* STD = standard installation – for those who have their own license key

* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)

* OEM – Automatically activated during installation

* Same version on original device

* UEFI ready

* (Use the attached Rufus USB tool to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and recovery toolkit (only)

* packaged in recovery() format

* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) using Rufus,

* (attached) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, the author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoyed this article!

* Cheers,

* Generation 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 10in1 OEM ESD pt-BR APRIL 2022

Version 21H2

No TPM or secure boot required


* Size: 4.57 GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32: 6cb4a138

* MD5: fc781d82ff6e4f6f35637b1083f38589

* SHA-1: d4291eb96d25fefbdb8e42a4b158ec3e40835eed

Integrated / pre-installed:

* Maintenance Stack:


* Cumulative Update:


*.NET framework

* Cumulative updates

* .NET Framework and:



* Windows 11 Home – – – – STD/DLA/OEM

* Windows 11 Professional – – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 11 Education – – STD/DLA

* Windows 11 Enterprise – STD/DLA

* STD = standard installation – for those who have their own license key

* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)

* OEM – Automatically activated during installation

* Same version on original device

* UEFI ready

* (Use the attached Rufus USB tool to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and recovery toolkit (only)

* packaged in recovery() format

* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) using Rufus,

* (attached) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, the author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoyed this article!

* Cheers,

* Generation 2

Windows 11 X64 21H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD NORDiC JULY 2022 {Gen2}


Tar 2022 HDRip free movie download torrent

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Tar 2022 HDRip free movie download torrent

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Genre: Drama, Music
Director: Todd Field
Cast: Cate Blanchett, Nina Hoss, Nomie Merlant, Sophie Kauer, Allan Corduner
Storyline: Celebrity musician Lydia Tr is days away from recording the symphony that will boost her career. When all the elements seem to conspire against her, Lydia’s adopted daughter, Petra, becomes an indispensable emotional support for her struggling mother.
Container = Matroska (square meters)
Duration = 02:38
File size = 2 GiB
codec info = AVC | V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
Resolution = 720×300
AR view = | :1
Bit rate = 1100 kbps
Number of frames = CFR = YUV color space
Color Subsampling = 4:2:0
Code generator = x264 – core 164 r3095 baee400
codec info = AC-3 | A_AC3
channel = 6
Bit rate = CBR 384kbps
sampling rate = kHz
Language = English

Genre: Action, Adventure
Directed by Ruben Fleischer
Cast: Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas, Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle
Synopsis: Street-savvy Nathan Drake and his witty partner Victor Sully Sullivan embark on a perilous quest to find the greatest treasure ever found while following clues that may lead to Nathan’s long-lost brother.
Container = Matroska(avi)
Duration = 01:55
File size = 1 GiB
codec info = AVC | V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
Resolution = 720×300
AR view = | :1
Bit rate = 1300 kbps
Number of frames = CFR = YUV color space
Color Subsampling = 4:2:0
Code generator = x264 – core 164 r3079 d9a19f0
codec info = AC-3 | A_AC3
channel = 6
Bit rate = CBR 384kbps
sampling rate = kHz
Language = English

Tar 2022 HDRip
