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Microsoft Word 2010 Torrent Download

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Important Note: Microsoft Word 2010 is no longer a download button that directs you to the latest version of Word. You will also find the premium version and you can create the best work. Office Word is a powerful partner for all tasks related to creating, editing and correcting text on your computer. Works with all popular file formats, including support for saving PDF files or sending documents via Outlook as soon as you enter ((function {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); If you use text from scratch or use one of the many templates included, Microsoft Word can help you use a variety of tools: spreadsheets, text formatting options, color schemes, support for adding images and pictures, and more. Microsoft Word also includes powerful spell checking and tools for checking highlighted text and personal notes. But video support is still everything, Microsoft Word proves to be a great tool for word processing from a simple note to a complex report with images, diagrams and Word is such a popular word processor for a reason that is both easy to use and full of advanced features.

Industry-standard word processing Microsoft Word is part of Microsoft Office. This business and productivity software can create beautiful and interesting documents. It has all the necessary tools for professional document handling. This app allows users to compose their documents professionally for both work and professional writing documents. Microsoft Word includes powerful tools that are great for any writing task. With this word processor you can turn documents into impressive ideas. Its proud intelligent technology ensures that you can convey your best words. From spelling and grammar corrections to stylish suggestions, this software has all the ways to help youto write confidentially. It is also great for writing resumes and reports. The software allows users to work with other Office Suite applications without leaving their windows. Users receive texts and articles from PowerPoint, reference research materials and even information from websites. When they do web research, they stay on track. Microsoft Word supports real-time collaboration between users. It only takes one click to share documents and invite others to edit or comment. Users can configure their language and accessibility settings so that others can work with the document. For added convenience, users who subscribe to Office 365 can view and edit all Microsoft Word documents on any device (mobile device, tablet, computer, or Mac). You also get 1 TB of cloud storage for OneDrive with an Office 365 subscription that allows users to share and edit files. It also has an advanced security feature that prevents data corruption. Microsoft Word can also be accessed through a browser and has additional features and values ​​such as free Word templates and simpler Microsoft 365 documents. Microsoft Word is the ideal software for creating polished documents. It provides users with powerful tools to make writing easier and simpler. The app also has other collaboration features that allow users to invite contacts in real time for editing and commenting. Starting documents at your fingertips with this tool has never been easier.

Microsoft Word 2010

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Sonma Typing Expert 64-Bit Download

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Learn Hindi and English Fluently! Sonma Typing Expert is a great application for English and Hindi speakers interested in improving their fluency and typing speed in these languages. Using a different set of alphabets can make it difficult for bilingual typists to write accurately and quickly in both languages. Whether you can write and speak these languages ​​fluently or not, Sonma Typing Expert will help you get better in no time. Unlike TypingMaster, Typing Test and other similar programs, it focuses on reliable, simple and easy to use programs in English and Hindi! Sonma Typing Expert is one of the most reliable and simple applications in this category. With a simple interface, this typing testing software allows you to practice your typing skills without any hassle. The app has several exercises to help you improve accuracy and speed. Since these exercises are available in English and Hindi, you can complete the function (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}) in either language; How does Sonma Typing Expert work? While similar applications such as the Hindi Character Converter in English focus only on translations, the new version of Sonma Typing Expert deals with the differences between a Hindi digital keyboard and an English QWERTY main keyboard. The purpose of this platform is to enable users to practice their skills effectively. To improve speaking skills, the program focuses on different exercises in this Hindi input software that allow you to progress gradually, with each step focusing on a different level of difficulty. With this program you can switch between training types and languages ​​with a few mice; the program records statistics on speed and accuracy so that you can measure improvements and performance. Sonma Typing Expert in Hindi and English allows you to print statistics with your username to apply for different jobs. While using the program, can you set the duration of the tests to set specific goals for Sonma Typing Expert to improve accuracy and speed? With a simple and user-friendly interface, Sonma Typing Expert is designed to teach fast and accurate writing skills. This is a great resource for job seekers and freshmen. To improve your skills, you just need to follow the specific steps of the exercises. With the free download of the Sonma typing application, you can choose the keyboard from the previously mentioned, the program has several exercises, each of which offers you a different level of difficulty. Each exercise focuses on sentences, phrases, characters, and using this application you will be asked to enter the same words and groups of letters repeatedly. This helps you get used to the location of the keys and reduces spelling mistakes during exercises in different languages. With Sonma Typing Expert you can practice typing in both languages ​​with the typesetting alphabet. Moreover, you can use Hindi digital keyboard to improve your skills. It’s easy to switch between these languages ​​with a single mouse. The program tests are extensive and include words, sentences and groups of letters. Depending on the level of difficulty, you mustfocus on each test for a period of time to account for the number of typos that were made to measure accuracy and speed. If you make a mistake, you can delete it with the app. But don’t go back for multiple scores, want to edit or remove a mistake in Sonma Typing Expert? With the latest version of Sonma Typing you can save and print scores. Therefore, you can review these scores at any time and continually re-evaluate your progress. You must provide your name and other information to access the tests. The duration of the tests can easily be set between 1 and 30 minutes. Moreover, you can stop downloading the latest trial version, which is equipped with a user-friendly interface that allows beginners to improve the typing speed and accuracy without any problems. For Windows, a free download of Sonma Typing Tutor can easily be a full free version of the programs available for download and installation for Windows. This is a great learning app that can improve your writing skills in English and Hindi. Overall, he received positive responses from people involved with the content for a few weeks or to improve speed and accuracy! While there are other good typing applications such as the Quick Typing Guide and the Free KeyBlaze Typing Guide, none of them solve the difficulty of adapting to different types of keyboards. Fortunately, the free download of Sonma Typing solves this problem and you can improve in English and Hindi. Undoubtedly, Sonma Typing Expert computers are an excellent choice for users all over the world.

Sonma Typing Expert

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Connected 2021 film télécharger torrent

Telecharger Clean torrent

Le voyage familial insensé et dysfonctionnel en cours de route est interrompu lorsqu’ils se retrouvent au milieu d’une apocalypse robotique et deviennent soudainement l’incroyable dernier espoir de l’humanité.
Michael Rianda, Jeff Rowe (co-directeur) Scénaristes:
Michael Rianda, Jeff Rowe Stars:
Eric Andr, Olivia Colman et Maya Rudolph Une comédie d’action animée sur une famille ordinaire au milieu de leur plus grande famille défie le monde à travers une apocalypse robotique. Cela n’a pas d’importance, n’est-ce pas? Tout commence avec Katie Mitchell, une étrangère créative, acceptée dans une école de cinéma de rêve et désespérée de quitter la maison et de retrouver «son peuple» lorsque son père épris de nature insiste pour que toute la famille la conduise à l’école et la captive lors d’un dernier voyage inconfortable ou forcé . Mais juste au moment où le voyage ne peut pas être pire, la famille est soudainement au milieu d’un soulèvement de robots. Tout, des smartphones aux chambres en passant par les furbys maléfiques, est occupé à attraper tous les hommes de la planète. Il est maintenant sur les Mitchell, compris une mère optimiste Linda, un petit frère inhabituel Aaron, son carlin maigre Monchi et deux robots amicaux mais simples d’esprit qui sauveront l’humanité.

Connected 2021

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Windows 10 20H2 15in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2021.3.18 torrent baixar

BAIXAR Clean torrent

Captura de tela de varredura de desktop não desktop:

(o o)

——————————– oOOo – (_) – oOo ———– – —————–

Windows 10 20H2 15in1 en-US x64 – versão de atualização

Para relatórios de bugs perguntas, vá para

(#) Atualizações do Windows 10:

* Todas as atualizações do Windows 10 20H2 x64 estão incluídas a partir de (março) 2021:

1.KB890830 – Ferramenta de Remoção de Malware do Windows, versão

2.KB2267602 – Atualização para a versão das informações de segurança do antivírus do Windows Defender

3.KB4052623 – Atualização para Windows Defender Antivware Antimalware Platform, versão

4. KB4562830 – Atualizar item via Windows 10, versão 20H2 Ativar pacote (/).

5. KB4577586 – Atualização de remoção do Adobe Flash Player para Windows 10, versão 20H2.

6. KB4578910 – Atualização de ativos para Windows 10, versão 20H2 de realidade mista.

7. KB4586858 – Atualização do sistema operacional Windows 10 Power, edição 20H2.

8. KB4589212-v2 – Atualizações do microcódigo da Intel para Windows 10, versão 20H2.

9. KB4601554 – Total de atualizações do sistema NET Windows 10, versão 20H2.

10. KB5001263 – Instale a atualização dinâmica para Windows 10, versão 20H2.

11. KB5001567 – Atualização geral para Windows 10, versão 20H2 (versão do sistema operacional).

(#) Bibliotecas de tempo de execução do Windows 10:

* Visual C ++ movido para 2002 x86.

* Visual C ++ movido para 2003 x86.

* Visual C ++ movido para 2005 SP1 x86 / x64.

* Visual C ++ movido para 2008 SP1 x86 / x64.

* Visual C ++ movido 2010 SP1 x86 / x64.

* C ++ Appearance View 2012 Updates 5 x86 / x64.

* Atualização do Visual C ++ reprojetada para 2013 5 x86 / x64.

* Visual C ++ movido para 2015-2019 x86 / x64.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Tempo de execução do Visual Basic x86.

* Visual Basic x86 Runtime (atualização SP6 KB2911777, KB2992332).

(#) Configurações pré-instaladas do Windows 10:

Sistema NET = instalado.

* Instale OneDrive automaticamente = desativado.

* Telemetria = desativada.

* Direct Web Agency Discovery = desativado.

* Mostrar objetos ocultos = Ativado.

* Mostrar todas as extensões de arquivo = Ativado.

* Visão do gerenciador de tarefas = profundidade.

* Diálogo de desenvolvimento de arquivo = detalhado.

* Conecte os botões da barra de tarefas = Nunca.

* Cor do tema do Windows = Storm.

* Cor de destaque do tema do Windows = Ativado.

* Navegador padrão = Firefox.

* Reprodutor de mídia padrão = PotPlayer.

* Pasta de arquivo alternativa = 7-Zip.

(#) Aplicativos adicionais:

* Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus x64 (instalador online).

* 7-Zip x64 (com várias configurações pré-instaladas).

* Mozilla Firefox x64 (com algumas configurações pré-instaladas).

* PotPlayer x64 (com várias configurações já definidas).

* Ferramenta ImDisk x64.

* OpenHashTab x86-x64 – Configuração do sistema.

* Inclui 15 versões do Windows 10 x64 (“Enterprise” tem muitos serviços):

Windows 10 Home Monolíngue

Família Windows 10

Especialista em Windows 10

Educação técnica do Windows 10

Windows 10 Education

Estações de trabalho Windows 10 Professional

Windows 10 Business

Windows 10 Business para mesas padrão

Windows 10 IoT Business

Família N. do Windows 10

Especialista em Windows 10 N

Especialista em Windows 10 para estações de trabalho N

Windows 10 Technical Education N

Windows 10 Education N

Windows 10 Business N

* Todos os pacotes de idiomas do Windows 10 podem ser baixados diretamente do menu de configurações de idioma do Windows 10.

* Este Windows 10 temnunca esteve em AuditMode antes foi criado com a ferramenta DISM (Image Service and Management) baseada na versão x64 do Windows 10 en-US.

* Todos os arquivos incluídos podem ser editados ou excluídos na pasta ISO . Pasta Sources $ OEM $ “.

* A funcionalidade do Windows 10 não está incluída, mas um arquivo de texto é instalado na área de trabalho com um link de download direto para a região ativa.

* Os requisitos do sistema são (mínimo | recomendado): 1 | Processador de 3 GigaHertz x64, 1 | 4 GigaBytes de RAM, placa de imagem DirectX 9, 30 | 40 GigaByte de espaço no disco rígido.

* Como fazer uma nova instalação do Windows 10:

1. Grave arquivo ISO do Windows 10 em DVD usando programa Brown, como CDBurnerXP () ou use Rufus () para criar arquivos USB graváveis ​​e Windows 10 ISO.

2. Faça backup de seus arquivos importantes em um disco separado.

3. Para evitar criar uma conta online do Windows 10 acidentalmente ou encontrar um erro de conta (outro usuário), desconecte seu computador da Internet antes de instalar.

4. No menu de configuração do Windows 10, selecione “Personalizado: Instalar somente Windows (avançado)”.

5. Remova todos os componentes antigos do Windows clique em instalar.

(#) Mudanças:

* Adicionadas as atualizações mais recentes do Windows 10 20H2 x64 de (fevereiro) .2021 a (março) .2021: KB4601554 (substitui KB4601050) | KB5001263 (substitui KB4599861) | KB5001567 (substitui KB4601319, KB4598481).

* Atualização removível do Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 x86 / x64 de “” para “”.

* Atualizações de segurança atualizadas para Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) x64 de “” para “”.

* Atualização do Windows Defender Antivirus (KB4052623) plataforma antimalware x64 de “” para “”.

* Ferramenta de remoção de malware do Windows (KB890830) x64 atualizada de “” para “”.

* Atualização online do Office 2019 Professional Plus x64 de “” para “”.

* Atualizado Mozilla Firefox x64 de “” para “”.

* PotPlayer x64 atualizado de “” para “”

Windows 10 20H2 15in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2021.3.18

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UTorrent x86 x64 Download

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Compact Free BitTorrent Client with Rich Features uTorrent is one of the most popular freeBitTorrent clients out there for several reasons: it’s fast, lightweight, easy to use and very efficient. It is also available for Android, Mac and has portable deeper dive. Do you want to know more about uTorrent before downloading it? Read on for our deeper dive into the (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); UTorrent Features: uTorrent has everything you’d expect from a complete, reliable torrent downloader: lots of detailed statistics, RSS feed support, auto-shutdown, download scheduler, and more. However, there are a few things that uTorrent lacks: a full torrent search and a built-in player to preview your 3, let your media play in streaming while you download, rate and comment on torrent files, drag and drop files and drop and share and disable UDP for all user levels Since version 3, uTorrent has a completely redesigned interface: more usable, easier to use and perfectly fitting for the uTorrents web like previous versions uTorrent 3 simple enough to use for everyone regardless of their level . computing, but it also includes dozens of configuration settings that will please the most tech-savvy users. This new version also includes some beginner-focused guidelines to ensure that everyone can get the most out of a quick installation process (although there are quite a few instructions for installing browser add-ons, etc.) and a handy built-in speed test to help you to assist in carrying out. the first installation much easier, uTorrent is ready. The program consumes minimal hard drive and computer resources, allowing you to download a large amount of torrents and still use your computer without using anyone. UTorrent uTorrent is a software client that allows you to send and receive files with BitTorrent. protocol, a technology specially developed for peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing. After uTorrent is installed on your computer by default, it will automatically launch when you open a torrent file on the Internet. For basic use you do not need to do anything else! Downloading with uTorrent Search for a torrent file on the Internet and click it to download the .torrent file. This is essentially a set of instructions for uTorrent to locate and download the file. content from a wide variety of peer-to-peer sources on the Internet. Note: Only download content that is legally available to you. Fossbytes maintains a list that is legally available to remove uTorrent. UTorrent is a fast, easy BitTorrent client with many features, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. There are many alternatives available to uTorrent. At some point, you may decide that you no longer want to install uTorrent on your computer. If so, you can rest assured that uTorrent can be removed easily. For Windows Users: Why is uTorrent So Slow? Sometimes uTorrent downloads very slowly which can be frustrating. This is usually due to slow network connections or congestion. Block some public Wi-Fi providers or limit access to streams, which can contributeto the problem. UTorrent also sometimes requires a lot of CPU power and bandwidth, and if you have a lot of other applications running and competing for bandwidth, uTorrent can be very slow. Fortunately, there are several options for speeding up uTorrent. Here’s how to download uTorrent faster in most cases. For more detailed instructions, you can check out our complete guide on how to speed up uTorrent downloads. Allocate more bandwidth to the stream. Right-click on the file you want to prioritize and set the bandwidth allocation too high. Add new trackers. This will add new seeds as well as new counterparts to your torrent download and in most cases increase uTorrent download speed. Connect directly to seeds with UPnP – select Enable UPnP port mapping in the Connections section of the preferences menu to enable direct connections to seeders. sharing can be difficult. If you want to remove (or bore) uTorrent from your system, change the number of upload slots per stream to zero in the bandwidth is mainline DHT? Mainline DHT (Distributed Hashtable Shortcut) is an alternative mechanism to trackers, some of which use Bittorrent clients to find file sharing counterparts. The Mainline DHT system was introduced by BitTorrent and is now used with several popular torrent clients, including preventing uTorrent from starting on Windows 10? UTorrent starts when Windows starts by default, but sometimes it is unwanted. To turn it off, go to the General section of the Preferences window under the Options menu. Then turn off the Start uTorrent option when Windows starts Windows integration; you’re looking for a reliable, fast and light torrent client, look no further: uTorrent is what you need. If you are looking for other free alternatives, we recommend downloading BitTorrent or Vuze.


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Windows 7 10 X64 20H2 ULT PRO ESD en-US JAN 2021 {Gen2} Download Torrent

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Windows 7 10 X64 20H2 ULT PRO ESD en-US JAN 2021

Building version 20H2

* File:

* Size: 6.86 GB

* Format: Initial ISO

* CRC32: 35f36034

* MD5: c8fad4899c888afd2ccf6e12eca1d095

* SHA-1: a4c1ad1fcfa39753706f515740ffb662ed769c88

Integrated / pre-installed:

* IE11 DirectX End User Hours (Win7)

*. NET Framework

* Important security updates – 2021-01-12

* Service stack update:

* KB4598481

* Cumulative update:

* KB4598242

* NET framework

Cumulative update for

* NET framework and:

* KB4586876

SetupComplete / Post Installation:

* Protector updates


* Windows 7 Ultimate

* Windows 10 Pro VL

* Activators: HWID and DAZ Loader

* Diagnostics and recovery equipment (only)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (connected) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of Windows Activation Script

* Hope you like this edition!

* Greetings,

* Generation2

Windows 10 X64 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD MULTi-5 FEB 2021

Building version 20H2

* File:

* Size: 4.81 GB

* Format: Initial ISO

* CRC32: bfa62386

* MD5: 08cfe07e3968b226c5e6f7572db6fbae

* SHA-1: adcfafe40bdf39c8f41dd4a2b917d50ea3e8048b

Integrated / pre-installed:

* Service stack update:

* KB4598481

* Cumulative update:

* KB4601319

* NET framework

Cumulative update for

* NET framework and:

* KB4601050

SetupComplete / Post Installation:

* Protector updates






* Windows 10 Pro – STD

* Windows 10 Pro – DLA

* Windows 10 Pro – OEM

* STD = Standard installation – For those who have their own license key

* DLA = Digital License Activation (HWID)

* OEM – activated automatically during installation

* same version on original equipment

* UEFI remake

* (Use Rufus USB-connected tool to make UEFI bootable)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (connected) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of Windows Activation Script

* Hope you like this edition!

* Greetings,

* Generation2

Windows 7 10 X64 20H2 ULT PRO ESD en-US JAN 2021 {Gen2}

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Windows 10 X64 1909 Enterprise en-US FEB 2021 {Gen2} Download

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Windows 10 X64 Enterprise in the US on February 20

Version 1909 Build

* File:

* Size: 4.31 GB

* Format: bootable ISO

* CRC32: 83418dcd

* MD5: d3e412ba5869993bc42c3f891995277c

* SHA-1: bf7fc76c7f89e42314bc96d4aa8a75d5268d7683

Built-in / pre-installed:

* Service updates:

* KB4601395

* Cumulative update:

* KB4601380

* NET Framework

* Aggregate update for

* NET Framework and:

* KB4601556

Setup complete / after installation:

* Defender update


* Windows 10 Enterprise

* Activated with a digital license (HWID)

* Diagnostic and recovery toolkit (only)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (supplied) or recorded on a DVD-R at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* I hope you enjoy this release!


* Generation2

Windows 10 X64 Enterprise LTSC 2019 ESD en-VS AUG 2020 {Gen2}

Version 1809 Build

* File:

* Size: 3.86 GB

* Format: bootable ISO

* SOURCE: X21-96425

* CRC32: 5e9c4db9

* MD5: 56377576f134b3fd3b70956bd8fac78c

* SHA-1: 9ab4cb30ed9a538243d502b95e0ec5ab735636fd

Built-in / pre-installed:

* Service updates:

* KB4566424

* Cumulative update:

* KB4565349

* NET Framework

* NET Framework:

* KB4486153

* Aggregate update for

* NET Framework and:

* KB4569750

* Flash Player Security Update:

* KB4561600

Setup complete / after installation:

* Defender update


* Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 – STD

* Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 – KMS

* Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 – KMS

* STD = Default installation – for those who have their own license key

* KMS = KMS_VL_ALL enabled

* KMS = KMS38 activated

* Ready for UEFI

* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to make a bootable UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (supplied) or recorded on a DVD-R at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* I hope you enjoy this release!


* Generation2

Windows 10 X64 1909 Enterprise en-US FEB 2021 {Gen2}

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Windows 10 Pro X64 incl Office 2019 en-US MAY 2020 {Gen2} download torrent

DOWNLOAD Clean torrent

* Windows 10 X64 Pro including Office 2019 ProPlus sr-SAD MAY 2020

* 2004 Build version

* File:

* Size: 4.96 GB

* Format: but ISO

* CRC32: f83e2f04

* MD5: b1916edb855d7dce0da31ddbbccc933a

* SHA-1: 700648b708c3014f104667b3b88200e237e838c4

Integrated / pre -installed:

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64-bit

* Cumulative updates:

* KB4556803

* NET Framework


* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2019 ProPlus

* Activator: HVID and KMS network

* Ready for UEFI

* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to create UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Make USB bootable (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (attached) or recorded on DVD-DL at low speed.

* WindowsAddict, author of Windows activation scripts

* I hope you enjoy this edition!

* Hello,

* Generation2

Windows 10 X64 Pro, including Office 2019 Pro Plus in the US January 2021

Version 20H2 Build

* File:

* Size: 5.65 GB

* Format: but ISO

* CRC32: 4734d7a4

* MD5: 9161ed97046e07bfbea623193bddc6b8

* SHA-1: 589c4842d71c7b94caded3b050f281192d33c059

Integrated / pre -installed:

* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64-bit

* Service stack update:

* KB4598481

* Cumulative updates:

* KB4598242

* NET Framework

* Cumulative updates

* NET Framework and:

* KB4586876

Complete Inventory / Install:

* Defender update


* Windows 10 Pro

* Office 2019 ProPlus

* Activator: HVID and KMS network

* Ready for UEFI

* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to create UEFI)

* Set of diagnostic and recovery tools (only)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Make USB bootable (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (attached) or recorded on DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* I hope you enjoy this edition!

* Hello,

* Generation2

Windows 10 Pro X64 incl Office 2019 en-US MAY 2020 {Gen2}

Share Ratio

Internet Explorer download torrent

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The most popular Internet browser Internet Explorer 9 is the new version of Microsoft’s most popular browser. Based on the success of previous versions of IE with new features and a new look, Microsoft expects the first version of Internet Explorer 9 to be a revamped interface. To make the most of the transparent graphics style available in Windows 7 and the latest versions of Windows Vista, IE 9 looks sleeker, smarter, and simpler than ever. Like Google Chrome, the address bar and search box have been combined to create a simpler, easier user (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); New features included in Internet Explorer 9 include better integration with the Windows operating system and a much improved security system. With IE 9, you can also “fix” places in the Superbar and add your favorite places as “applications” to your operating system. The new Performance Advisor plugin identifies add-ons that slow down Internet Explorer (a much-needed feature in Mozilla Firefox). Internet Explorer 9 also offers improved speed and performance, as well as better compliance with web standards and new technologies. IE 9 provides decent support for HTML 5 (the new generation of media-rich websites use this language) and now completes the Acid 3 test with an almost perfect 95/100. New features like hangover and InPrivate filtering make Internet Explorer a more stable and secure web experience than most others. Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 is faster and more beautiful than its predecessors, and it really throws the glove at its competitors. Beware: browser wars are thrilling again.

Internet Explorer

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Windows 10 Pro X64 3in1 19H1 OEM ESD pt-BR AUG-30 2019 indir torrent

İNDİR Clean torrent

* Windows 10 Pro X64 3’ü 1 arada 19X1 OEM ESD pt-BR AVG-30 2019

* Sürüm 1903 Yapısı

* Dosyalar:

* Boyut: 3,73 GB

* Biçim: ISO çalıştırılacak

* CRC32: 6dd508e2

* MD5: 6ce067958c742493281fc303e33f57ea

* SHA-1: 42d498a632f671700a4314ff5cc787e6a71bede7


Entegre / önceden yüklenmiş:

* Güncelleme servisi bu nedenle:

* KB4515530

* Toplu güncelleme:

* KB4512941

İçin toplu güncelleme

* .NET Framework ve:

* KB4511555

* Flash Player için güvenlik güncellemesi:

* KB4503308

Kurulum Tamamlandı / Kurulum Sonrası:

* .NET Framework

* Windows Defender için Güncellemeler


* Windows 10 Pro – STD

* Windows 10 Pro – DLA

* Windows 10 Pro – OEM

* STD = Standart kurulum – Kendi lisans anahtarına sahip olanlar için

* DLA = Dijital Lisans Etkinleştirme (BEYAZ)

* OEM – kurulursa otomatik olarak etkinleştirilir

* orijinal ekipmanda aynı versiyon

* UEFI-yinele

* (UEFI oluşturmak için birlikte verilen Rufus USB aracını kullanın)

* Tanılama ve Kurtarma Araçları (Microsoft DaRT)

* kurtarma formatına sıkıştırılmıştır ()

* Rufus ile bir USB önyüklemesi oluşturun (şiddetle tavsiye edilir),

* (takılı) veya DVD’ye düşük hızda yazdırın.

* WindowsAddict, Windows etkinleştirme komut dosyalarının yazarı

* Umarım bu baskıyı beğenirsiniz!

* Merhaba,

* Nesil2

Windows 10 Pro X64 3in1 19H1 OEM ESD pt-BR AUG-30 2019